An endangered Cemetery

This is an endangered cemetery but one that has been well recorded within the genealogical circles. The cemetery is highly visible but neglected. The markings are now faint and probably will not last many more years. The marker to the north belongs to James Turnbo(w) and the one on the south (of James' memorial) belongs to Fecilia (Coffee) Turnbo(w), his wife. There are several stones around the base of the old Cedar tree which at one time probably marked graves of other relatives or perhaps friends. A nice little rule there is to never move a stone in a cemetery without at least making a permanent record, whether it is a common rock or an elaborate tombstone, unless one is convinced they are restoring a stone to its original place.

Photos & Listings of the known stones

Topographical Maps & photos showing location of the Cemetery

This publication is based on the photography and family history of C. Wayne Austin initially added here 16 Mar 2004. Revised to improve the photos and mapping 14 Jul 2011