We have corrected this calculation as 87.17432 degrees West and 35.46434 degrees North from other sources where we have seen it as incorrectly placed. I have placed a red check at the correct location.
C Wayne Austin 15 Jul 2011.

This map shows the Turnbo cemetery in the center of the map and it is my position that it is slightly wrong as placed on this map.

Directions: Go south from Mt Pleasant Tennessee on Hwy 166 (Enterprise Road) and pass Enterprise. Continuing on south of Enterprise from the Old Enterprise School, brown brick, Building) Community Center on left go about 1/4 mile until the road bends back (leftward) eastward. Just after that, look to your right upon the bank of the road and you should see a Loblolly pine Tree and a decaying Cedar tree amidst a small clump of brush. There just ahead of you also on the right is a big barn. There are two small upright markers about 15 feet west from the Cedar. The old barn is about 100 yards southwest of the two stones which are hard to see in the summer when the weeds are grown up. Also the hillock where the cemetery sits will obscure your view of the two stones.The road into the cemetery also serves as a road into the barn lot and indicates private property.

Turnbo(w) Cemetery as seen from Hwy 166 looking south.

Turnbow Cemetery as seen from Hwy 166 looking north and closer up. Memorials are visible here denoted by the black arrow pointing downward. The stones look like fence post from here.

I am giving you a variety of looks to help find this little cemetery, because it is hard to find. Without the help of neighbors I would probably have never spotted it because of the mapping error. I am not sure if the error is in USGS mapping.
Map from several on-line mapping sites, modified and detailed for this site by Wayne Austin 21 Mar 2004. Revised 14 Jul 2011.