WADE CEMETERY (On hill SW above Garrin Court, Buckner Lane, Spring Hill) WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE
This map shows the GPS location of the Wade Cemetery. This cemetery is detailed in the USGS records. The GPS Latitude & Longitude are correct as shown above.
map shows the roads needed to get to the Wade Cemetery except the subdivision
road are not shown.
This Aerial view shows the roads to travel to get to the Wade Cemetery. I have
it marked with a red check on the above map. By now
houses probably line the Garrin Court (Circle) and probably you will need to get permission
to cross someone's yard to climb up the slope to this cemetery. Take Duplex Road
east out of Spring Hill and go a few miles. After crossing into Williamson
County turn north (left) onto Buckner Lane and go to Wades Crossing Road (a
subdivision road) and turn right. Go to Lequire Lane then turn right again and
then right on Garrin Court. Notice above the circle and behind houses that may
be there a tree lined area at the top of the highest part of a hill. The
cemetery is up there in a rock lined wall. Now how to get there and who to see
for permission I have no answers, due to changing circumstances since 2009.
This Google photo shows the cemetery above the end of the new road (circle)
above Garrin Court before any housing development there. This image distorts the
height of that hilltop where the cemetery is located. It is a steep climb up to the
cemetery in the grove of trees behind a rock wall.
Maps from USGS Topographical, MS Streets & Trips 2004 & Google & MapQuest modified for this site by Wayne Austin,
May 2010.