This view looks south across the cemetery. It was shot from near the entrance gate on our left. There are more memorials to our right out of the photo range.

This view looks southwest across the cemetery at most of the cemetery and views the rest of the cemetery. 

This view from the northwest corner of the cemetery looks southeast across the cemetery.

A closer up image from the latter photo above get a clearer image of the memorials. There are eight large concrete pillars outlining many of the Timmons graves which have large granite grave covers. A log chain spans the perimeter of these concrete piers. However, the chain has fallen in places. 

This red balloon arrow points at the place where the cemetery is located below the trees on a private farm. We are standing at the side of Santa Fe Pike to make this photo.
Photos and information by Wayne Austin 9 Jun 2009. Visited here 8 Apr 2009.