The John Johnson Tomb is beside Isaac & Judith Sellers. This is a large slab (grave cover) and it probably has not been shaped by human carving, but instead is a natural stone. This is not the only natural stone slab in this graveyard. One also exist shown in the center near our left edge of this photo. It too could be an unmarked grave cover.

The John Johnson stone slab grave cover is shown highlighted in the above photo.
The memorials for Judith and Isaac Sellers are just to our right of the slab. Judith having the taller straight one and Isaac the smaller one leaning to our right.

Here we see the large grave cover for Revolutionary Soldier John Johnson up close while looking at the back side of the Judith Sellers Memorial and part of the Isaac Sellers Memorial on the immediate right of the photo.

JOHNSON, John, probably born ca 1750-52, married 1771 Isabel Erwyn, died ca 1831-32, buried in a rock covered tomb with no inscription along side of Isaac & Judith Sellers. "Served in Gen. Sumter's command thru the entire Revolutionary War." (from the work of Mrs. Edythe R. Whitley.) A great grandson, in Moore papers at the state archive library, says he was a: "Captain in the Revolutionary War under Marion - lived in Chatham Co., N.C., buried 5 miles north up Duck River from Roberts Bend." 
[I have no reason to question this but the Hugh Cemetery across the Santa Fe Pike about 800 yards due south is near the Duck River and also fits the description of this 5 miles. However there are specifics mentioned here that if correct cannot be ignored as pointing to this cemetery. 
As a genealogist I have to wonder what the relationship John Johnson had to Isaac & Judith Sellers. The Sellers were a few years younger than Johnson but not enough to be from a different generation. WA 10 Jun 2009.] 

Photos and information by Wayne Austin 9 Jun 2009. Visited here 8 Apr 2009. Also information from "They Passed This Way, 1963."

The early morning sunlight cast a shadow of honor over this old soldier's grave. We are free today because of his and other's sacrifices down  thru our 250+ years of history. In their honor let us resolve to continue in diligence to standup for freedom and self rule as these people surely did.