LEE, F. C. 'Jack', 16 Apr 1900 - 11 Aug 1974. (not found in 2008)
LEE, Emma M., 29 Mar 1906 - no date, (not found in 2008)
Per Cindy Harris:
The Mr. F C "Jack" Lee listed in Mr. Fred Hawkins's book grave was moved to another cemetery. This information was per Brenda Warf, one of the Trustees. I was told that while there for Decoration recently. 
Apparently Mrs. Emma LEE was upset about difficulties the cemetery committee was having with a (now deceased, and no more problems remain) neighbor Mr. Chunn that she had the memorial and remains of her husband moved to another cemetery.
Info sent in by Cindy Harris, 28 May 2008. We are unaware what cemetery that was Mr. Lee was moved to so we will leave this until we can determine that.