Go east from Columbia on Bear Creek Pike (Hwy 99) for five & 7 tenths of a mile. (Interstate 65 is 1.6 miles further.) Turn right onto a private gravel road (2008) that enters the lane of the old Hays-Hunter house. With permission and after you get up and around the sharpest curve in the road about 2 tenths of a mile you can barely spot the white stones on the right side of the hill upon the slope. This will have to be a winter time trip as the vegetation will hide the cemetery in the summer time.

From this Topographical map one can get a perspective from why Mr. Hawkins says the view is great at this cemetery. The thick brown lines means the elevation is high at 880' and contrast well with the creek valley below.

The red check is about where you will find this cemetery. My location is just approximate as I cannot see enough detail to place the cemetery exactly. This is a private road shown curving up the hill in this aerial view. There was a max speed limit posted on it.
Map from MAPQUEST, modified for use here 9 Jan 2009.