After permission this is the locked gate that will confront you on your quest to visit this cemetery. The cemetery is straight up that farm road in the clump of trees in the distance of about 300 yards. The rock wall is not visible from this photo due to fading imagery. 
The owner resides in the house (not seen here) to our right and it is a good idea to get permission via the mail system or via phone first. 

This photo shows the large rock wall that encloses the Harris memorials. There are memorials outside that wall somewhere and I presume them to be on the west (far side or surely I would have seen them. The weeds were so tall that day that a fallen stone would be difficult to find. This cemetery should be visited in the winter time (preferably late winter) when the tall grasses have been beat down by cold weather.

This photo from inside the rock wall shows the incredible amount of open space inside the wall. The few memorials that are here are back up against the south wall leaving about 1/4 acre open and questionable as to the use of the spaces.

Information (20 Jun2009) & photos (8 Apr 2009) by Wayne Austin. Added here 22 Jun 2009.