The red check places the Caldwell Cemetery.
The position on the map for the GPS coordinates I think are correct. The roads
are too different today from the above 1950s map to prove it so.
The above yellow arrow points to the
Caldwell Cemetery in a tree lined cemetery. It is in the midst of a highly
industrialized area.
At Kedron, turn north on John Lunn Rd. Go 1 mile. Cemetery is in field on
west side of road (1986, & obsolete). Today's instructions (2009): Go east
on Kedron Pike past Saturn Parkway to Royal Park Blvd. Turn left or east there
and go about 1/2 mile to the cemetery on the right, inside a white picket fence
and well kept. The cemetery is on the "Historic Tour of Rippavilla Plantation"
and is a noteworthy visit.
Maps from Topozone, MS Bing mapping, all modified
for this site by Wayne Austin 5 Jun 2009.