This map shows the GPS Coordinates for the Street Cemetery which are important for finding it.

This road map shows the Street Cemetery along Bear Creek Pike & south of and above the creek and highway. I have been to this area, but did not take to time to specifically locate this cemetery.

I have placed a red check where the GPS locater says the cemetery is located. I have not yet found this cemetery so don't know if this is accurate or not. There were private land issues the day I was in that area.
Mr Fred Hawkins instruction 1987: Turn off Bear Creek Pike (Hwy. 99) at Mt. Olivet Rd. and cross bridge. Take left fork (Newt Hood Rd) and go 1/2 mile. Enter the driveway on left to J. N. "Buddy' Hood's residence. Cemetery is on the hillside to right of the driveway.
Information by Wayne Austin 27 Jul 2010. Maps from Topozone, MS Streets & Trips 2004 version and Google modified for this site.