MS Streets version of the cemetery location still shows Blue Springs Road complete. That is no longer so.

This Topozone map shows where the cemetery is supposed to be on the banks of the Fountain Creek. I believe these maps were first drawn up in the 1940s and are current to about 1958. 

This aerial view shows the place I believe this cemetery might be found highlighted in faint yellow. The compilers of the book "They Passed This Way" in 1963 says it was destroyed and that is pretty strong evidence we will never find anything on this.
Maps from MS Streets, MS Terra, & MapQuest modified for this site 26 Jan 2009, by Wayne Austin. Our sole purpose by presenting these records here is to enhance the chances this lost and destroyed cemetery can be found in some form if is still exist. If you have any information on this please let us hear from you at WAYNEAL1@AOL.COM