This map shows the GPS Coordinates for the Farris Cemetery which are important for finding it. It appears to be lost at least to me in the area south of Bear Creek Pike. I do not believe the above map designation to be correct. I have been there and was unable to locate a cemetery using these coordinates. The area back to the west of there across that hollow is where I think the cemetery will be found. It along with the lost Street Cemetery also shown on the road map below.

This road map shows the Farris Cemetery along Bear Creek Pike, south of and above the creek and highway. I have been here a couple of times and was not successful in locating this cemetery.

I have placed a red check where the GPS locater says the cemetery is located. I was unable to locate it there and believe it is in the deep woods left and west of there somewhere. I also walked along the south bank of Bear Creek all the way over to the TVA Electrical transmission lines shown as a long swath, bear of vegetation above, and did not find it that way either. Another day with better instructions may yet turn it up. I understand it is inside a small fence. Cemeteries like this are difficult. I travel 80 miles to find them only to have this result. Partly why I fail? I won't devote more then 30 minutes to finding a cemetery before I move onto another. Time is valuable in my efforts to photograph as many cemeteries as I can. The following is Mr Fred Hawkins instruction in 1987 for finding the cemetery: Go east on Highway 99 for four miles and turn right, cross Bear Creek, on Cranford Hollow Road. Take a right on Cochran Road to the side of house, pass barn and go back into area formerly mined for phosphate. The cemetery is on a hillock almost over looking Bear Creek Pike. This agrees with my assessment of back into the forest as noted above.
Information by Wayne Austin 27 Jul 2010. Maps from Topozone, MS Streets & Trips 2004 version and Google modified for this site.