This map shows the GPS coordinates of the Cranford Cemetery. Either this cemetery has been destroyed or these coordinates are incorrect. I went to the place marked on the above map and found only a parked bulldozer which had recently razed the hill side where that spot supposedly marked the cemetery. There was no sign of a cemetery. I rather think Mr. Fred Hawkins is correct when he says the cemetery is high upon the slopes of Dean Hill. At the time I did not check that location. That is located about 700 yards east (or about 4 tenths of a mile) and to the north a bit. Dense trees are there now, 22 years later, so that cemetery will be very difficult to find unless one is already familiar with that hill.

Go east on Cranford Hollow Road to the old Cranford (now Akin Place, 1987). The cemetery is high up on the slope of Dean Hill in a thicketĀ  marked by medium sized Cedar Trees. The red check marks my guess.
This aerial map points to the slope of Dean hill in an attempt to make a predetermination of where this cemetery might be.

This close up aerial map points to a spot on Dean Hill which is darker in color indicating a Cedar tree thicket or tall dense trees, one or the other. This is definitely a place that needs to be checked out in an attempt to find this cemetery. One can also see a crooked field road winding up toward the the top, but on the east slope of the hill. It goes to the saddle (south side) in the hill. That may have been the original road to the cemetery and is another place to be checked.
These directions are based on mapping analysis and are not guaranteed to to be useful. Once a successful find of this cemetery occurs then we will modify the instructions to the extent necessary.
Maps from Topozone & MS Bing Mapping modified for this site by Wayne Austin. 26 Sep 2009.