The red check shows the location of the Nelson Brooks Cemetery. This cemetery is detailed on the USGS records and I believe it is correctly placed on the maps.
map shows at the Nelson Brooks Cemetery north of the Pigg Schoolhouse Road
in deep woods. This is west out from the new Santa Fe bypass. There is
actually a road (more of a clearing) that lead to an area below a high bank. The
scattered marked and unmarked graves are located high above the trail road on
the west side. This map does not show the new Santa Fe bypass highway which is
200 yards northeast of this cemetery. It is shown on one of the photos and can
be seen on the aerial map below.
This Aerial view shows the cemetery in the deep woods on this map about half way
between the new highway and Pigg Schoolhouse Road. That road spanning north and
south is more of a field road than anything else. It has no access to the new
Maps from USGS Topographical, MS Streets & Trips 2004 & Google & MapQuest modified for this site by Wayne Austin,
May 2010.