Wilkes-Campground Cemetery


Presently well maintained

Memorials (450+ memorial photos) and a list of all persons known interred here

Click here for an Alphabetical List

Civil War Soldiers buried in Wilkes Cemetery

Map of the Cemetery Layout

Recent Area Photos of the Cemetery

Wilkes - Campground is located near Culleoka Tennessee off of Mooresville Pike. From Culleoka. Go west on Mooresville Pike to Frank Moore Road. Turn Right and go 3/4 mile to Cemetery Road on the left and turn left there. The Cemetery is down that road about 1/4 mile on the right.  The research and photography on this cemetery for this project was done by Suzanne Hope Davison. She deserves our thanks for an outstanding effort.  If you have questions, comments or suggestions you may e-mail her at leahy50@charter.net  Suzanne has made an effort to place the graves in many cases by tracking the footstones. Especially when one was misplaced. You should get a feel as to how many unmarked graves there are in these old cemeteries. While it is in  small measure prime evidence of a family association to find an unmarked grave next to a marked grave, one cannot just assume that the marked and unmarked grave belong to the same family. We have assigned each unmarked field stone a surname based on its proximity to others of a common surname nearby we are in no way inferring that the person was of that surname. This was done as a means identifying the location of the potential grave. We do not pretend to have documented all of the unmarked graves in this cemetery. That is a very complex  task and cannot be done without a special tools & procedures.