Renfro Cemetery, Culleoka, Maury County Tennessee
This is an aerial view of the cemetery with an arrow pointing to the spot in the forest where it may be found. The old home place is located down on Mooresville Pike where the William Renfro family lived and is a modern antebellum home today.
This is a TOPO map of the Renfro Cemetery location. All the maps I know have the cemetery incorrectly located about 500 yards to the east of the actual cemetery above. The incorrect Latitude - Longitude or GPS coordinates of N 35.47841 and W -86.94667 plotted by the USGS. The corrected Latitude - Longitude or GPS coordinates of N 35.47843 and W -86.95627 were plotted by using MS Streets & Trips.
Graphics by Wayne Austin 11-27-2003.