Ramsey Cemetery, Campbell Station, Maury County Tennessee
This is a panoramic photo of the Ramsey Cemetery. As you can see the cemetery is cared for and quite open compared to what Fred Hawkins found in 1987. He stated it was a thicket at that time. The Coffey family occupy the first row on your left with the three box tombs and the Ramsey families have the rest of the cemetery. The fancy stone in the upper right (southeast corner) of the Cemetery photo belongs to that of Mary Allen. I did not find the stone of Silas Allen who was probably Mary's husband. He died in 1845 so the stone by now may have fallen and sunk below ground. Upper portions of this photo out of the range of cemetery area were altered to protect private property from public view. Please do not visit this cemetery without permission or notification of the owner of the private property that surrounds the cemetery. Graphics by Wayne Austin 12-22-2003.