Notice out in the center is the sighting of a red horse. He thought he was quite a vicious fellow. I first heard him in the distance about 200 hundred yards away out to the east in front. When he realized I was there he started snorting and stamping his feet then proceeded to gallop toward me continuing to snort and bob his head in disgust. Hearing but not having seen him at first I glanced up nervously thinking maybe I was in the sights of a mad bull. He came on at me in a full gallop until he was about where he now stands and abruptly stopped some 20 yards away.  He and I squared off in a staring contest to see who was afraid of whom. I stood my ground and he stood his. Well, anything less than 20 yards and I would have resumed my staring from across the fence located safely behind me to the west. In the end he lost interest and so did I and all was well except for one thing. I was right and he was clearly in the wrong for it is illegal for livestock to be in a cemetery in Tennessee. The fence to the east is clearly not being maintained leaving the horse to run free in the cemetery. So in the end the attitude of Mr. Horse is fine. It is the owners fence maintenance that is in need of attention. Photo & information by Wayne Austin 10-11-03.