Sorry I got a little ahead of the clearing crew. When I was informed the
cemetery was being cleared I could not resist getting started in making an
effort to capture this old cemetery on the web in spite of the fact that it
still contains the remnants of thickets. These are fast disappearing due to the hard
work of Camp #29 Sons of the Confederate Veterans and the Boy Scouts of America
(namely Joseph Dungy who is working to attain Eagle Scout status). Soon
hopefully a team of civic minded persons with the proper equipment and skill can
set up the fallen memorials so that the glorious beauty, historic
information and heritage of this cemetery can once again reign for the visitors
and descendants. The box tomb in the left center of the photo is again that of the
Colonel James T. Sandford d. 1830. He was one of the founders
of Jackson College and also donated the property for the school and cemetery. Photo by WA. 10/11/20003.