Greenwood Cemetery


Grounds are well maintained but the memorials are crumbling and continue to need repair.

Memorial listings & photos of many of the 530+ interments

Views of the the Cemetery Layout

Greenwood Cemetery is one of the oldest and most historic Cemeteries in the southeast with many notable persons buried there including the parents of the 11th President of the U.S.  James K. Polk. They are Major Samuel & Jane Knox Polk. The Cemetery is four blocks north of the Court House on the Nashville to Columbia Pike. The photography on this cemetery was done by Wayne Austin as a quick Sunday afternoon project with a time limit. Later as the cemetery underwent a renovation by the Columbia Parks & Recreation I went back and photographed more of the memorials but with no intention of completely photographing the cemetery. Memorials were selected and photographed at random as I toured the Cemetery. I hope someday to completely photograph the cemetery when the restoration is complete. Many of the box tombs still need repair to get them back up to par if the parts can be located. 
Some of the large box tombs in the past appear to have had vandals breaking them apart and scattering  pieces around the cemetery. There is also some damage to the stones from grounds maintenance workers banging the lawnmowers or string trimmers into the stones at the base leaving large gouges in the stones. The stones in this cemetery are old and very soft. That is unlike the hard Granite stones in Rose Hill Cemetery down the street. These soft limestone memorials need extra care when mowing around the premises. For more history see the book Maury County Tennessee by Fred L. Hawkins.