BARLAR, Alfred Jordan born 1858 and died 1935. He was the son of William Henry & Frances (Phillips) Barlar. A. J. 1st married Frances Lawhorn, Sept 6, 1877. Frances was born 1859 and died 1889 soon after the birth of her four children. A memorial is placed in Gibson Cemetery for her though it is believed she is buried in Phelps Cemetery in Giles County in an unmarked grave. A. J. was 2nd married Martha (Mattie) Hollingsworth (no children) whose memorial is shown above. A. J. Barlar was a native of Giles County but lived the latter part of his life in the Spencer Hill community actually closer to the Screamer Community and was a member of the Spencer Hill Church of Christ. They lived in the last house going north on Terrapin Branch Road before crossing the bridge over Scott Creek. The house burned in the 1940s and now there is a small replacement house near the road. Information by Wayne Austin photos above by Rick Gray 6/30/06.This photo of Arlington Cemetery looking west can be used to locate the small memorials of Alfred & Mattie Barlar. The arrow points to the A. J. Barlar memorial. That is Hwy 43 & 243 junction in the background. The black arrow points to A. J.'s stone w/Mattie's on our right. 1989 photo by Wayne Austin.