A red check is placed on the Worley or Whiteside Cemetery. Other cemeteries that are on this map are the Jones Presbyterian Church Cemetery 300 yards east of here; the Kittrell Family Cemetery 350 yards east and north of the Jones Presbyterian Church Cemetery. At the top of the map is the Kittrell Cemetery aka Catheys Creek Church of Christ Cemetery. Catheys Creek Church of Christ can be seen just south of and on the other side of the road from the Kittrell Cemetery. 

From Columbia traveling Hampshire Pike go about 10 miles and veer right off of Hampshire Pike onto Taylor Store Road. After 3/4 mile turn left on Catheys Creek Road. When that road bends sharply right (or north) then turn left into the Worley & Jones Cemetery Gravel Roads. This happens to be the old community of Isom. Next follow the right fork of the road (marked Worley Cemetery) up the hill toward the cemetery at the end of the road.  
[Wayne Austin 6 Nov 2008.]