JACKSON, Mark, no dates remaining (b. 12
Nov 1742; d. 1839), Soldier of the Revolutionary War.
(stone no longer readable as of 2010
Inscription:"SACRED to the memory of Mark Jackson, A Soldier of the REVOLUTION,
who departed
this life, (1839 ) it is believed....")
The Stone is fallen
and sadly in need of repair or replacement. If this stone is not soon remounted upright the lawn mowers
will destroy it. Notice the large light gouges in the lower right corner). If you are in this cemetery put a small American Flag next to the stone to alert the grounds keepers of its location because they
are having trouble seeing it. (CWA 15 Jun 2002)
Update a recent visit to this cemetery found this stone destroyed by the lawn mowers just as I predicted. Better preserve this photo because
once it is gone there is nothing remaining of this stone. It is still there just
very little inscription is visible today because the lawn mowers have ran over the stone until now it is destroyed.
(CWA 2010)
This stone was photographed in 2002 and graphics added later to
show the fading inscription which is today (2011) gone. C. Wayne Austin