RUSSELL, Milly Hare, 1824 - 1875 "Cherokee

RUSSELL, Haley W., 1813 - 13 Aug 1875, Pvt Co F Clack's 3rd Tenn
Infantry, Confederate States Army. "Deo Vindice."
RUSSELL, Milly Hare, 1824 - 1875 "Cherokee Wife" (Stone recently set in Warden family lots.)
This is the area in the Warden row where this researcher thought
might be the lost graves of the Moses (son of James N. b. 1811.) & Sarah Warden
and/or William J. & Alcey Kerr Warden family, but how does
anyone know for sure. There are more then 10 members of the extended James Warden family
that are lost in the Campbell Station area to specific grave sites and this space/area between Priscilla Warden Kerr Wells and Mary Ann Ramsey
Warden, wife of James N. Warden was about 4 or five graves wide. I do not
recommend the Russell stone be moved, but that everyone understand it may not be
at the head of the grave where the Russell's are actually interred. Given the
confusion that exist in old graveyards among unmarked graves my stance is to
make permanent note of this on and cause no discord. C. Wayne Austin 5 Nov 2010.
If you can discuss this issue with me in a factual way I would like to
hear any logic that may be helpful in getting to the truth here.
Records added here 5 Nov 2010 by Wayne Austin. Photography by the same.