Photo taken Oct 2003
WHITTHORNE, Wm. J. (William Jervis),
1844 - 1909. (C.S.A., Cross of Honor, 1st Tenn Inf. Co. H., Widow's Pension
#W5341 by Rebecca Whitthorne who is also buried at Rose Hill; Born in Bedford
Co., Tenn in 1844 or 45, Son of William J. and Eliza Wisener Whitthorne. As a
young boy he enlisted in Co. H, 1st Tn. Inf. and marched off to defend the
South. In the Battle of Perryville he was wounded but was able to return to his
Company. After the Civil War he returned to Tennessee and married Miss Charlotte
Rebecca Watson[1854-1934], and they had five sons and one daughter. He was
commissioned a Major when the War with Spain broke out in the U.S.Army and
served during that conflict. He was one of the pioneers in the development of
the phosphate industry in Maury County until his death. [MCTC pg.294].) Block C
to FAG by: kimshockey (reb) 12/28/2003. Compiled and sent
here by Mary Bob McClain Richardson, 4 Nov 2009.