Francis Marion, 13 Jul 1827 - 26 Jul 1910. (C.S.A., Cross of Honor, 9th Tenn Cav.
Co. G.; Born just South of Columbia, Tn., son of Littleton and Martha Garrett
Vaughan. He married Mary (Marian) Frances Barker, dau. of Alexander and margaret
Dodson Barker, both of whom came to Maury Co. from N.C. prior to 1820. The
Vaughns were married on 25 Sep 1850 and were the parents of two sons and six
daughters, plus three children that died in infancy. When the Civil War broke
out, F.M. Enlisted in the C.S.A. and served in the Ninth Tenn Cav. He lived on
Sowell Mill Pike until his death.) Block D.
VAUGHAN, Marian (Mary) Frances, 6 Nov 1829 - 23 Feb 1909. (Dau. Alex. Barker
& Margaret Dodson.), Block 'D'
FRANCIS MARION VAUGHAN, was born just South of Columbia on
13 Jul 1827, a son of Littleton and Martha Garrett Vaughan. He married Mary
(Marian) Frances Barker, dau. of Alexander and Margaret Dodson Barker, both of
whom came to Maury Co. from N.C. prior to 1820. The Vaughans were wed on 25 Sep
1850 and they became the parents of two sons and six daughters, plus three
children that died in infancy. When the War Between the States broke out, F.M.
enlisted in the Confederate Army and served in Co. G., 9th Tenn. Cavalry
Regiment. Mr. Vaughan lived on Sowell Mill Pike until his death occurred on 26
Jul 1910. (MCTC). Buried ROSE HILL CEMETERY. 19th (Biffle's) Battalion, Tennessee
Calvary, Co. D, Confederate side, rank in Pvt. rank out Pvt. (Civil War Soldiers
and Sailors), Block 'D'
Information by Rick Gray, Feb 06.Photo by Mary Belle Cross Duvivier 13
Apr 2008.