SOWELL, Ashley B., 12
Aug 1893 - 10 Jul 1945. (Died in Panama Canal Zone.) Block "K"
Letter envelope Postmarked:
7:30 P.M. Jan 11, 1943 Chicago Illinois - Addressed to: Honorable Ashbley B.
Sowell, Columbia Tennessee
The A.N. Marquis Co.
919 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Illinois
The following personal sketch appears in the last edition of Who's Who In
America, issued about two years (1941) ago. It is now sent for up-to-date
revision, with a view to its inclusion in the 1944-1945 edition, subject to
editorial approval.
Sowell, Ashley B.; Foreign Services Officer; born Columbia, Tennessee Aug 12,
son of Felix C. & Mary Evans Sowell. Educated Columbia Tenn., Studied journalism
economics, N.Y. City, Washington, D.C, & Nashville. Honorable Degree at Columbia
Military Academy; Married Winnie Davis Estes, Aug 4, 1917; 1 daughter, Jane
Howard Sowell (Mrs. Robert Lloyd Douglass). In newspaper business as through all
departments, successively, to editor, General Manager, Publisher, 1910-1934;
business specialist and special assistant to Secretary U.S. Dept of Commerce
Washington D.C. 1934-1939; Commercial attach� to Panama, since 1939; Vice
President Maury Democrat Co.; Former Director Middle Tennessee Bank, Secretary,
Board of Trade; Secretary, City Board of Education., Ex-President, Tenn. Press
Association. Clubs: Kiwanis, Century, Elks (Columbia Tenn. & Union (Panama).
Home: Columbia Tenn., Address: Department of State, Washington D.C.
Image of the original copy

Original issue
As transcribed & compiled
by C. Wayne Austin 6 Jun 2014 - Discovered in rummage sale in Huntsville
Alabama about 2005