This map shows the Rose Hill Cemetery adjacent to Rosemont Cemetery in downtown
Columbia Tennessee. Rose Hill was created for the white citizens use and
Rosemont Cemetery for the black citizens. One can see the various roads thru
these cemeteries from the aerial overlay from MSN Virtual earth. It looks like
Rose Hill is accessible from the west side at Cemetery Ave while Rosemont is
accessible from the north side at East 11th Street. Cemetery Avenue connects up
to the main north south street (Hwy 31/7). The gray line traversing northwest to
southeast is the Rail Road track.

This map shows the layout of the Rose Hill cemetery in blocks. On the right is Rosemont
and I do not know the layout of that cemetery. On the Left is the Rose Hill
Cemetery with lettered sections. The best entrance is the one just to the right
of the Rail Overpass. That is from Cemetery Avenue. For now all the listings are
grouped together but later as more transcriptions come in we will group by Block letters A-T.
That is consistent with the way Mr Fred Hawkins has his book layed out.
Maps from MSN Virtual earth. Modified for use
here by Wayne Austin 11/23/2005.