REESE, Capt. W. (William) A., 23 Jan
1829 - 16 May 1898. (Co. E, 48th Tenn. Inf. Son Marcus & Elizabeth Cook
Reese.; MCTC). Buried in the Special C.W. Veterans section of ROSE HILL
CEMETERY. He served with the 48th (Nixon's) Tennessee Infantry, Co. E,
Confederate side, rank in Pvt. rank out 2nd Lt., then served with the 4th/5th
Consolidated Regiment, Tennessee Infantry, Co. K, Confederate side, rank in
Capt. rank out Capt. There are two more listings for a W.A. REESE. (Civil War
Soldiers and Sailors) 088
Photo by
Ricky Smith, Compiled and sent
here by Mary Bob McClain Richardson, 4 Oct 2009.