PILLOW, (Major) Granville A., no dates, (killed just prior to 1 Sep 1868). (C.S.A.,
Cross.) (Major Granville A. Pillow, died in Maury County. (Memphis Daily Appeal,
1 Sept. 1868.) Major Granville Pillow died at Clifton, Tenn., a few days ago,
buried Columbia, Tn. (Nashville Republican Banner, 28 Aug. 1868.) Granville A.
Pillow was the builder of the house "Pillow Place" in Maury Co., Tn.
It was later owned by Mrs. William P. Haliday of Memphis, granddaughter of
Jerome Pillow, and great niece of Granville. "Block
McLEAN, Frank Jay, no dates. (C.S.A., Gantt's 9th Bat. Tenn Cav. Co. A, rank in
PVT rank out Capt.) Block E.
PILLOW, Olive D., no dates. (d. 2 Sep 1902), in Knoxville, Tn.; nee Cheatham;
married (Major) Granville A. Pillow 10 Nov 1833 in Robertson Co., Tn. she was
born about 1817 in Tenn.
"Block E"
PILLOW, Granville A. Jr., (4 Apr 1845 - 9 Jan 1870); Son G.A. & Olive D.;
Co. H., lst Tenn. Inf. & Co. G.,
PILLOW, William C., no dates. (16 Oct 1849 - 9 Jan 1870.) "Son G. A. &
Olive D." (C.S.A., Gantt's 9th Tenn Cav., Co. G.) Block E
McLEAN, Susan Pillow, no dates, "Wife Frank J. McLean." "Block
McLEAN, Annie, no dates. "Block E"
Granville A. Pillow Sr. married Olivia D. Cheatham 10 Nov 1833 in Robertson Co.,
Tn. she was born about 1817 in Tenn.
Granville A. Pillow Sr was the builder of the house "Pillow Place" in
Maury Co., Tn. It was later owned by Mrs. William P. Haliday of Memphis,
granddaughter of Jerome Pillow, and great niece of Granville.
of Granville A. Pillow Sr. & Olive D. Cheatham were:
1.Susan D. Pillow
2. William C. (Cheatham)
3. Granville Lucian Pillow
4. Granville A. Pillow Jr. died in Leighton, Alabama. He married Mary Vinson.
Granville A. Pillow Jr
was murdered at LaGrange College by Hugh Phillips and Granville
Young Granville
Pillow, married in North Alabama, and had been living there several years. He
was a Confederate soldier and received a wound in the Streight raid on Sand
Mountain. Willie (William C. Pillow) went to Alabama a year or so ago. It is a
sad commentary on the evil days upon which we have fallen, that two such young
men should be murdered in cold blood. There is another rumor to the effect that
Granville had received that day in town $800 for the rent of his farm, and he
was robbed as well as murdered. (Columbia Herald, 14 Jan. 1870.)
More on the murder of Granville A Jr. & William C.
Pillow in Alabama
Granville A., died in Maury County. (Memphis Daily Appeal, 1 Sept. 1868.) Major
Granville Pillow died at Clifton, Tenn., a few days ago, buried Columbia, Tn.
(Nashville Republican Banner, 28 Aug. 1868.)
PILLOW, Murder of Granville and William Pillow - Just before going to press we
have learned from a trustworthy gentleman, who lives in the neighborhood of
Leighton, Ala., a true statement of the facts
connected with the murder of Granville and William Pillow. Granville was in his
own house, alone, when he was first shot. He went to a neighbor, the Horn's, and
after sending for a doctor, he told Horn that his murderers had given their
names before the shooting as Hugh Phillips and Granville Spangler.
Young Horn, on his way for the doctor, met some disguised men, to whom he told
all that Granville had said. The maskers asked if Mr. Pillow had given any
names, and receiving an affirmative answer, they went immediately to old Mr.
Horn, or Horner's, and waited about an hour for Mr. Pillow to die.
They then impatiently went in and drove everybody out of the house, and though
Mr. Pillow was unconscious and probably dying, they shot him in the breast,
killing him instantly.
Granville had talked to Mr. Horn about the shooting until he could not speak and
then wrote down the balance. This paper the murderer's destroyed.
Young Phillips was engaged to be married to a young lady near Lagrange to whom
he acknowledged he had helped to murder Granville, but that he had been urged
and instigated to it by influential parties in the neighborhood. The young lady
went to Pillow's funeral next day and told on her love.
Photos by Kim Shockey 10/2009. Info
compiled & sent by MB
McClain 10 Nov 2009. Revised for historical info on Lagrange College by Wayne
Austin 11 Nov 2009.
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