McEWEN, William
A., 9 Aug 1911 - 26 Jul 1937., Block "B"
William E. McEWEN
William E. McEwen, 25-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William T. McEwen of
Columbia, who was instantly killed in an auto accident near Franklin early this
morning, was a graduate of the Columbia High School, class of 1931, and one of
the most popular young men of this section. Born and reared here, he was a star
linesman for the football team for three years and was highly esteemed for his
fine character and modest bearing and demeanor. Active in student affairs, he
was for several years on the Signal staff, having previously served for many
years as a Herald carrier boy, one of the best ever connected with this paper.
He also served as treasurer of the C. H. S. Athletic Association.
After graduating, he attended Vanderbilt University for two years in the college
of engineering. He was then bookkeeper for the John A. Walker & Co. coal firm
for two years until he accepted a position last year as bookkeeper for the
Monsanto Chemical Co. which he has held since then.
A young man of affable disposition and fine character, he had friends in all
groups in Columbia, and his death coupled with news of the critical condition of
others in the accident cast a pall of gloom over the community. Besides his
parents, Mr. McEwen is survived by his sisters, Mrs. C. M. Cook of Mt. Pleasant
and Misses Margaret and Marion McEwen of Columbia, and by his brothers, James E.
and Thomas McEwen of Columbia.
Funeral services were held from the home at 10:30 Tuesday morning, the Rev. J.
Faxon Small, pastor of the First Methodist Church here officiating. Active
pallbearers were Douglas and William Dean, Jake Perry, Billy Wilson, Carl
Robinett, and Lindsey Nelson. Honorary pallbearers were William Towler, James
Adkisson, Harris Allen, Kannon Johnson, Raymond Due, C. W. O'Bryan, Billy
Wilsford, Bailey Morrow, Berry Dooley, Carl White, Douglas White, Ernest Potts,
William Kennedy, John Fleming, Jr., and John B. Silson. Burial was in Rose Hill,
with Oakes & Nichols in charge of arrangements.
Newspaper clipping appears to the The Columbia Daily Herald.
Contributed by Judy B. Forgos 6 Oct 2010. Posted 12 Oct 2010.