Thomas Jefferson,29 May 1884 - 1 Aug 1968, (Son of Alfred Jordan & Frances
Lawhorn Barlar, Block "S".
BARLAR, Lela May Coffee, 2 Mar 1893 - 6 Aug 1950. (Dau of William Fine &
Samantha Virginia Wiley Coffee.), Block "S"
The Barlars' lived in the McCains Community on Covey Hollow Road about 1 mile
down the road on the left going east from Hwy 7/31. There is a spring next to their old home
place called Barlar Springs named after this family. It is listed and shown only on 1:24000
Topographical Maps. They were natives of Giles County and Maury County respectively. They
were the parents of one son and three daughters Ruby Lee Barlar Austin,
1912-2000, m. Paul
Austin 1940 and moved to Town Creek Al., Claxton "Buddy" Barlar
1914-1963, never married, Paulene Virginia
Barlar Thurman, b. 1916, m. Leroy Thurman, and Dolly Adel Barlar Davis, b.1926, m. Johnny Davis (they
reside in Wilson North
Information & photo (1990) by C. Wayne Austin, grandson and founder of
this site. 12/15/2005. I visited there in 2005 and the green plants surrounding
the stone are no longer living. After 55 years these very hardy plants finally