The cemetery is at Latitude 35 degrees 30.618' North, and Longitude: 86 degrees 54.3' West. Another way of stating that in decimal equivalent is 35.5103 X 86.905. There is an error in the mapping of this cemetery in the Delorme Mapping. All other national maps are wrong too. The error is wrong by about 1/2 mile to the west of this place. That needs to be corrected. Don't know if the error is in the geological survey or not.

From Scribner's Mill Road going east, & before one crosses I-65, turn left (north) onto Smyrna Church Road. Travel north on Smyrna Church Road at least a half mile and the road bends back toward the (left) west. Immediately after the westward bend you will pass Mr. Warf's place (2008) on the left who showed me the cemetery. After Mr. Warf's place go about 500 yards and the road will bend back toward the (left again) south. Just before the road bends back left there on your right will be a gate into a farm road. Hopefully it won't be locked. Go thru that Gate going north on the farm road and down to Silver Creek about 400 yards away. Just before getting to the creek turn west continuing to follow the farm road due west along the south side of Silver Creek out across an open field then back into the woods and the road will then go up a slight incline and bend back slightly to the left, The cemetery is behind the rock wall next to the farm road. This farm road basically tracks parallel to Silver Creek at first and then they bend away from each other. To clarify this a bit more you will cross a wet branch that feeds into Silver Creek just after you get back into the woods from the open field. Continue on the farm road and it will start up a gradual incline then look straight ahead at the cemetery. It will be there enclosed in a rock wall reinforced by concrete, but still under the trees.

I would advise you to walk the distance if you are able, otherwise take a truck or 4 wheel drive because the road can get mushy in the winter time or after rain. Go about 2 O'clock in the afternoon to get the be there in the driest time of day. As I remember we drove down to Silver Creek on the farm road and turned west and parked the vehicle and walked the rest of the distance.

Further clarification: Along the westward part of the farm trail the Silver Creek bends back slightly toward the north and the field road bends back also slightly south and goes into the woods and climbs up an slight incline. As I remember and confirmed by the map the cemetery is just before you get to the old barn about 100 yards further southwest. You will only find one inscribed stone as noticed on this site. The old Tobacco barn which remains there and the home place was southwest of the cemetery. The Jim & Ruby Thomas found a pile of rocks which they thought could have been the foundation of the home. It was perhaps serviceable also by the other road coming from the south - an extension of Smyrna Church Rd. Maybe that little Spring served the Puckett family their water. The cemetery is at the highest part on the farm trail after going back into the woods. That gives you another way of finding it if the trail is weak. Just go parallel to Silver Creek to the highest point and in a place 50 yards south of Silver Creek and climb along the south up the highest part of the slight ridge until you come to the cemetery.
If you have to walk the whole way after Smyrna Road then park on Smyrna Rd and walk straight northwest toward the cemetery across the open field and across the branch and you will shave off a great distance over my mapped driving route. Just go into the woods and find that triangular open field and cross that and go back into the trees then follow west to slightly north and you will be going toward the cemetery & farm road just north of that.
The owner of this property lives in Nashville. Mr. William Warf owner of the property south across the road took me to this cemetery. Please respect the owners grasses and land and do no harm to the properties nor leave gates open.

Since I was judging the place this cemetery is located on this map I could have error here so I leave this map with the cemetery about 40 yards further into the woods. I do remember from one of the photos there is clearing land just to the north of the cemetery. The cemetery is elevated above the surrounding land so that is a feature that makes it easier to find even though it is in the woods. I now believe this map has the cemetery under the yellow arrow posted too far northeast by at least 100 feet.
Having advance permission is always better to visit across private land, especially will one need to sign a "waiver of their right to sue the landowner" if they are the type that use lawyers to blame everyone else for their clumsiness. Yeow!

This Aerial map shows a yellow highlight tracking to the cemetery. That follows the farm road. There are old abandoned farm buildings standing just northwest of the cemetery today, a corn crib, small barn and smoke house. The walking path I mentioned above may not be allowed by the landowner so may not be feasible. It definitely is not part of the right of access to this cemetery. You will not miss this cemetery if you stay on the farm trail. That takes you right thru the deep woods and up beside the cemetery.
Maps from Mapquest & Micro-Soft Terra modified for this site by Wayne Austin 17 Apr 2008.  Revised 14 Nov 2011 to add corrected mapping and improved directions based on better analysis from the visit by Jim & Ruby Thomas.