The above cemetery with the red check is shown on this map as the Johnson-Oakley Cemetery. I believe the position on the map for the GPS coordinates are generally correct, but have not been there yet.

 The above arrow points to the place one might potentially find this cemetery.

On Vester Humphrey farm in Fly. Turn onto small lane at garage in Fly and go about 1/4 mile north. The cemetery is on hill behind house. Notice the blue arrow pointing out the cemetery using the GPS coordinates. I do not know if this is right but have no reason to disbelieve it as of now. There have been major road changes since then and I am unaware if that has impacted the location of this cemetery.

This just one other place I will look for this cemetery in this area if I do not find anyone who knows where it is. Maps above show it very close to Leipers Creek Rd. (about 40 yards)
Maps from Topozone, MS Bing mapping and MS Streets & Trips, all modified for this site by Wayne Austin 5 Jun 2009.