The above cemetery with the red check is shown on this map as the Oakley (H.P.) Cemetery. The position on the map for the GPS coordinates are correct, but have not been there to check it yet.

 The above yellow arrow points to the place one can find this cemetery. Smaller Scale Versions show the cemetery with faint views of the memorials in line north to south facing east.

The Oakley (Hardin P.) Cemetery is located in the very corner of Maury County near the point where Hickman-Williamson-Maury County lines join. Take Lick Creek Road and Cross Lick Creek, ford Edwards Branch and turn into a narrow lane. Cemetery is at end of lane.
At least a couple of things have changed with the above directions since 1986. I do no know if one has to ford Edwards Branch anymore, but it appears so from the Aerial map above. Also the road (called Pine Lane on the above map) does not stop at the cemetery but goes further on to a residence. The cemetery will be on your left near the road.
Here are instructions (2009) today: NW corner of county on Pine Lane (MS Streets). From Kinderhook (Highway 7) take Gordon Lawrence Rd northwest several miles. It eventually becomes Beard Rd. When you reach Lick Creek Rd take that northeast about 1 mile and turn north on Pine Lane & then go 1/4 mile and the cemetery is on the left about 50 yards from the Pine Lane. 
Maps from Google, MS Bing mapping, all modified for this site by Wayne Austin 5 Jun 2009.