With this map we see the GPS coordinates of the Charles Murphey cemetery as Lat. 35.48769 North X Long. -87.13665 West.

This shows the cemetery half way between Haley Lane & Mack Benderman Rd.

This map shows the Terrapin branch creek in blue, the old Benderman home as a black square and the gravel lane to the house  and grave. The road spanning northwest to southeast is the Southport Road. McKissick Lake is across the road from the turn off. I should remind us that this is private property. 

From this map we see that Terrapin Branch is tree lined and the lane is actually extended and bends to the east & south as it meanders toward the back of the property.
Specific directions: In Scott's Mill community, Located off of Southport Road, about half way between the Mack Benderman Road and Haley Lane, on the right (south) hand side you will find box# 1574 Southport Road. The gravel lane at this location dead ends at the Benderman Historic House. The gravestone is approximately 25' from the front porch of the Benderman place. 
Instructions from Columbia: Go south on the Cambellsville Pike (Hwy 245) 8 or so miles to the Southport road and turn right  (or west) into Southport Road. Go about 1  and 3/4 miles passing the Richardson & Haley Lane on the right. After passing Haley lane and continuing past Haley lane for 3 tenths of a mile turn left (or south) into the Benderman Place. (With permission you may visit the grave out from the front porch)
Delorme Mapping service has this cemetery pegged as being in the southeast corner of the intersection of the Mack Benderman and Scotts Mill Road. Clearly that is incorrect. The correct coordinates on the Delorme 3-D  Topographical Map of Tennessee are, Longitude: N35 Degrees 29.262'. Latitude: W87 Degrees 8.191. I have corrected this with GNIS who should fix this in the long run. Single stones like this are in grave danger of falling and sinking below the ground unless an alert local person keeps track of the stone and can and is willing to point it out to visitors. I believe now the map coordinates are correct for this stone.
Mapping from Google, MS Bing, and others modified for this site. Revised 24 Nov 2012.