Photos & Listings of the Memorials

Area Photos of the Cemetery

Map of the Cemetery Location

The McKissick Cemetery is located out Southport Road ( sometimes called Scott's Mill Rd.) from Campbellsville Pike or Hwy 245 toward Mt Pleasant two miles. It is high upon a hill on the (north) right. This is a well maintained cemetery. The locked steel gate at the road presents the average visitor a challenge. Also watch out for Shetland Ponies that are a bit aggressive to strangers. As I was charting the cemetery behind the fence two or three of them came charging up to the fence stamping their feet, and shaking their heads. I don't believe they would actually attack, but I was not going to find out. Since the cemetery is fenced you might be exposed to livestock as you climb the hill and safe again after going behind the cemetery fence. Best approach is to find the surrounding farm owner and get his blessings and help to visit here.