McCLAIN, Martin, 2 Mar. 1833 - 1916. (son of John & Elizabeth McMillan McClain, Mar. (1) Elizabeth Clendenin( b. 14 Oct 1863 - d. 1 Oct. 1866.) (2) Nancy Jane Beckum , (daughter of Alexander & Phobe, buried at Bailey Cemetery); mar. 1 Sep 1872 Tn.; b. 20 Mar. 1848 Lewis Co. Tn. - d. 16 Dec 1881.) One child was born to the union of Martin & Elizabeth McClain died two days after the birth of their daughter Elizabeth McClain who lived abut 6 weeks.) Their daughter is buried at McClain Cemetery. Martin's brother, Dr. Ephraim McClain married Elizabeth Clendenin's sister Telia Ann Clendenin and they are buried in Lawrenceburg, Tn. Martin served 4 years in the Confederate States Army, in Co. D., Clack's 3rd Tenn Inf.; When Martin died four former Civil War Soldiers were his pallbearers; Leander Bruce Cooper, Alfred T. Cooper, Thomas Simpson Cooper and Samuel Henry Grines. Children of Martin & Nancy Jane are: Felix, Matthew, Robert, Knox, Martin "Mart", and Lavonia McClain. Married in Lewis Co., Tn., performed by J.W. Bailey; mar per Whitwell Bible records in Lewis Co., Tn. WPA book, p 2. (Our paternal Great Great Great Grandfather). WEST FORK 1916 Martin McClain Sr. Another old Confederate Soldier has gone to his Last Reward. Mart McClain, St. died on the 26th of May at 1 o'clock p.m. at the home of his son, Bob McClain near Mt. Joy. He was 83 years, 2 months and 24 days old. At the first call, the South made for men to protect her home, he answered and fought four years. He was born in Maury county, Tennessee, near Mt. Joy church, March 2nd, 1833, and lived all his life near that place of his birth. He was not a member of any church, but was a Christian. He leaves five sons, Felix, Math, Bob and Mart, Jr., of Mr. Joy Neighborhood; Knox, of New Mexico, and one daughter, Mrs. R.W. Grimes, of Hohenwald. All of them were with him, except Knox, who arrived home from New Mexico three days too late to see his father. Mr. McClain had many friends here and his beloved friends were sorry to hear of his death. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Wm. Vanzile, after which he was laid to rest in the McClain Graveyard. The pall bearers were L. A., and A.T. Thomas Cooper, W.K. Hill, Mebb Brown, Marvin King and S.H. Grimes.Bessie Elkins Goodman Cooper and husband Martin McClain Cooper COOPER, Martin McClain, 12 Aug. 1861 Tn.- 1 Jan. 1933 Maury Co., Tn.. (mar. (1) Elizabeth Jane "Dink" Beckum;(b. 13 Jul 1861 - 1 Oct 1903.); mar. (2) Mrs. Bessie (Elkins) Goodman living in 1967 at Columbia, Tn., with her son Lehman Goodman. Martin McClain Cooper was named for his Great Uncle Martin McClain. He was the Uncle of Lavonia McClain (dau. of William T. McClain), We know this from the letters written back and forth from Martin to his niece. Martin's father was Thomas Simpson Cooper (the son of Col. Robert Melville and Catherine Cooper Cooper of Chester Co., South Carolina.) Children of Martin M. and Elizabeth Jane Beckum Cooper are: Oatie Cooper ( b. 22 Dec. 1884), and Seth Cooper (b. 11 Oct. 1894.) Mart Cooper d. Sandy Hook, Maury Co., Tn.; joined the Mt. Joy Church in 1993.) Letter written in 1917 to Mr Martin Cooper from C. S. Bailey. This picture is the property of Katherine Goodman Smith and is used with her permission. Photo & Information by Mary Bob McClain Richardson 1/2/2005.