Looking west shows the central part and a view of most of the stones in the cemetery. As you can see from this view the Alfred Loftin inscription is not on the opposite side of the stone from his wife Emily, assuming (I have not proven that) Emily was his wife. 

This is a closer look from the same angle.

Panning the camera to the right yields this photo of the north side of this small family cemetery.

This photo was taken while standing in the southeast corner of the cemetery shooting across the unknown rock crypt. This is a large stack of select stones used also as a means of marking a grave in earlier times. This tends to be the first type of grave markings in use and sprang up before inscribed stones started becoming widely available in the southeast. Inscribed stones in Maury county can be found as old as about 1814. Of course there were also far fewer settlers in that time frame. I would therefore date this as between the dates of 1814 and 1850 as a theoretical approach to a resolution as to who might be interred here. I don't believe this crypt it is for the graves of Longfield & Mary Loftin. They have foot and head stones still in place. They died in 1836 & 1851 and the style of memorial in use tells me their stones were placed sometimes after 1870 and before 1915 by later descendents to mark their graves.

This is a backside view from the southwest corner of the cemetery. The John & Sarah Loftin, 1846 memorial is on our left center.
Photos and information by Wayne Austin 23 Dec 2008.