A red check is placed on the Jones Presbyterian Church Cemetery. Other cemeteries that are on this map are the Worley Cemetery otherwise known as the Whiteside Cemetery 500 yards west of here; the Kittrell Family Cemetery north of this one 50 yards and at the top of the map the Kittrell Cemetery aka Catheys Creek Church of Christ Cemetery. Catheys Creek Church of Christ can be seen just south of and on the other side of the road from the Kittrell Cemetery. 

From Columbia traveling Hampshire Pike go about 10 miles and veer right off of Hampshire Pike onto Taylor Store Road. After 3/4 mile turn left on Catheys Creek Road. When that road bends sharply right (or north) then turn left into the Worley & Jones Cemetery Gravel Roads. This happens to be the old community of Isom. Next follow the left fork of the road (marked Jones Cemetery) up the hill toward the farm house (private property). The cemetery is on your right (but cannot be seen yet) on the same hill as the small Kittrell Family Cemetery. The Jones Cemetery is further out on the hilltop under the forest. This cemetery has several smaller family enclosure fences within a larger cattle fence some of them old decorative wrought iron. The cemetery sprawls around the top of the hill over several acres. At first you will find yourself on the other side of a very secure fence with no gate to get into the Jones Cemetery but next to the tall Kittrell Family Cemetery Rock wall. If you are not adept enough to mount the solid rock wall of the Kittrell Cemetery to cross over into the other side of the fence to get to the Jones Cemetery you should consider an alternative route. That is going south up the fence line 300 yards (also tree lined) from the road into the Worley Cemetery. Look at the map above at the Worley Cemetery Road to understand what I am saying. That is also private property heavily farmed in cattle and you will also need permission there. That route may be the original road bed to the old church that once stood there in front (north) with the cemetery in back (to the south) of it.  
[Wayne Austin 6 Nov 2008.]