This view of the Terry Grave shows many rocks scattered. I am unaware of the meaning of this one. The practice of covering graves with rocks might have been in place here and vandals and/or nature scattered them or there might have been an attempt to build a rock fence around this graveyard at one time. I do not see any evidence that any of the field stones were stood on end and buried in a manner so they would stand up that way. This was a typical way of marking a grave when a formal marker was not used. We are looking west across the burial ground at the foot and head stone. Behind us about 300 yards is Enterprise Road spanning north to south or vice versa. About 600 yards north or to our right is the Howard Cemetery and old place fallen into decay known today as the Allie Kittrell home. My feelings are that this place was first owned and developed by the Howard family as early as the 1840s. That information needs more supporting evidence though to stand for the history records. I noticed that the boarding has peeled away in spots revealing logs and a foundation of fieldstone indicating an age prior to saw milling. There is also a home to our left about 400 yards which might be old enough to figure into the history of this graveyard, and is probably at least a hundred to one hundred and twenty years old. Photo & info by Wayne Austin 3/30/2004.