This is the GPS of the Terry graveyard. It is at GPS N 35.47971 W 87.18558 in a graove of trees on he side of a hill overlooking Sugar Creek and Enterprise Road to the east.

This is a topographical map of the location showing the Terry Grave. Enterprise Road spans north to south here.  About 600 yards north of the Terry Grave is the Howard Cemetery and an old place known today as the Allie Kittrell farm. My feelings are that this place was first owned and developed by the Howard family as early as the 1840s. Though that information needs more supporting evidence to stand for the history records. I noticed that the boarding has peeled away in spots revealing logs and a foundation of fieldstone indicating an age prior to saw milling and the graveyard back of the house has death dates as early as the 1840s. There is also a home south of the Terry Grave about 400 yards which might be old enough to figure into the history of this graveyard, and is probably at least a hundred to one hundred and twenty years old. Photo & info by Wayne Austin 3/30/2004.

This aerial view of the Terry Grave and Howard Cemetery clearly shows the places to find these old cemeteries. I am told by one good authority that Mrs. Harris owns the place today and would be the contact for permissions.
Wayne Austin 4/1/2004.