The James Hill monuments are on the far side of the rock wall. The view shows the crumbling state of this cemetery with the rock wall falling down and the memorials broken and falling. The bright spot is the barb wire fence someone recently put there to keep out cattle. Most of this damage to these memorials can occur naturally from trees and settling soils, but if that is not enough livestock and vandals are at work destroying many graveyards. Maybe in the past all of these forces have played a role in the poor condition of this cemetery. 
This is a cemetery where the remains of the pioneers and founders of this nation lie. It is deserving of our deepest respect and care. 

This view shows the northern part of the cemetery. Two of the tops of memorials have been stood up and treated as separate monuments when actually they are a part of a base located in another area of the cemetery. The Spire Tops usually do not have inscriptions.

As you walk up the hill and approach the cemetery this is what you will see, at least in the winter time when visibility is better. That rotting tree leaning to the left threatens to break or knock down the military marker for James Hill when it finally comes crashing to the ground. James Hill is an American Revolutionary War Soldier.
Photos and information by Wayne Austin. Based on photos dated 23 Dec 2008. Added here 20 Jan 2009.