The red check places the Harris Cemetery on this GPS related topographical map. The position on the map for the GPS coordinates are correct.

 The above yellow arrow points to the Harris Cemetery in the forest. It is adjacent to an old road that runs parallel with the Old TVA Road. 

Instructions 1986: Go west on Santa Fe Pike to Phillipi Church of Christ Road. Turn right and go 1/2 mile. The cemetery is in deep woods and very difficult to find, on property owned by Stauffer Chemical Co. It is surrounded by a massive stone wall.
Instructions today 2009: From Santa Fe Pike turn (right) east up the old TVA Road. Go  past Philippi Church of Christ on the left and climb the hill and look for a field road to turn left. (all about 1/2 a mile) Take that up the slope for a hundred yards or so and stop your car and get out and turn 90 degrees from the car direction or road and go in that direction (south) for a hundred yards. You will then find yourself on a old road which is deep in the woods. Follow that road for another 100 yards and you will see the stone wall surrounding the cemetery in a bit of a clearing. That old road runs by the cemetery on the east side. I would judge the cemetery to be no more than 100 yards due north of the Old TVA Road.
Maps from Topozone, MS Bing mapping, all modified for this site by Wayne Austin 15 Jun 2009.