This old Topographical map dated in the 1950s shows the the cemetery as placed by Longitude and Latitude coordinates in two places. The further up one (or northern one) is wrong and is based on incorrect USGS mapping. The southern red check is my corrected placement and shows the cemetery on one of the highest elevation (hilltop) points at 760 - 780 around. 
I believe the road to this cemetery is actually private. This is really an extended family cemetery so permissions to visit are in order by outsiders. If you go there visit with love, respect & appreciation for those gone before. A visitation for any other reason will bring an alert response of the community toward swift disciplinary action.

We have placed two yellow pointers on the above map. The one further north (up) is at the incorrect place and represents the USGS mapping position of this cemetery or at least the TOPOZONE Mapping Service's placement. The corrected yellow southern pointer is the actual located position of this cemetery. One can see the rectangular layout of the cemetery from this map under the tip of the pointer.
Information by Wayne Austin 30 Dec 2008. Maps from Topozone & Mapquest mapping services modified for this site.