This map shows the GPS coordinates of the Wagstaff-Brownlow-Boatright Cemetery as N 35.37682 W 87.05519. After permission & access from the owners, the Mark Thurman family, your mission is to cross the creek and follow north along the hedge row spanning north out from Lynn Creek Rd. There are several approaches but I chose the most direct. There are cleared paths and field roads that one can follow paralleling that hedge row. Obviously get instructions and permission first if this confuses you.

Location: Go north on Hwy 31 for 12 or so miles and turn left (west) on Yokley-Waco (Old Lynnville) Road. Go abt 1/4 mile and turn left on Lynn Creek Rd. Go just over a mile and the residence on the right is of the Mark Thurman family 1684 Lynn Creek Rd.. They have a road that goes back into the woods and open fields. However, there are locked gates & a creek to cross so I recommend walking.

This aerial map shows the cemetery marked with a white check inside a yellow outline inside a stand of trees which is a part of a long tree lined hedge row on private property. There are cattle present here that may follow you around. Be aware of their presence and do as little as possible to disturb them, but let the Thurmans' advise you of that.
Mapping from ACME Mapper 2.0, MS Streets & Trips, & Google mapping sites. Modified for this site and added here 1 Nov 2013 by C. Wayne Austin. Revised to the corrected location 5 Dec 2013.