Information supplied by Alan Aymett (now deceased), via Mrs. Lillian McKinney (in 1984), both of Giles Co., TN. Submitted by Joe Max Williams with sincerest thanks to both of them for preserving this little piece
of history. Many of those noted do not have stones; thus they were not listed in the Giles Co. Cemetery Book and they could be missing from this listing too.
Accompanying letter - 1984

Beginning at East End

1. Family of Dr. Jesse Mays, from South side, Dr. Grant and Wife (Cholie or Collie), Wife and son of Dr. Mays; Family of J.E. Morton.
2. R. J. Curtis, Fred Curtis, Child of William Curtis, Bob Curtis, Mr. R. J. Curtis, Jim Curtis, Mrs. Jarrett.
3. M. S. Storey, beginning at South, Jim Fautte and wife.
4. Mack Bearden family.
5. T. M. Storey and wife, G. A. Watson family, Tom Watson, Charlie Watson, Pink Watson.
6. S. H. Grubbs and wife, L. A. Harwell and child, Joe Sisk, Tom Hines, George Hines.
7. R. Sandridge, Hince and son, child of George Allison.
8. Family of Bob Williams.
9. Family of Bill Butler, Family of Roy Wright.
10. P. J. Hollis and wife, D. B. Birdsong and family, W. P. Birdsong and wife.
11. Johnway Nevel and wife, Rubin (Can) Nevels.
12. John Prosser, wife, two children; J. H. Turner's sister, Lucy.
13. Child of Henry Tallent.
14. Black Brewer, two children, father; Mrs. Cryer; Mrs. Clinton.
15. Wheeler Tucker, Child of Bob Lee Tucker.
16. Foster family.
17. Will Holt, John Coble, Will Hamilton.
18. Child of Galon Rambo.

One cannot have too many different perspectives of who is buried in some of these old cemeteries considering how many unmarked graves may be revealed by such listing by those with specialized information from the past about a cemetery. Such is the case here. Thanks Joe Max for your preservation  efforts. CWA 4 Jul 2016.