(Weakley Creek Rd., near county line) LAWRENCE COUNTY, TENNESSEE
Mapping the location
Area Views of Yarbrough Cemetery: 7282,7299,7300,7301,7309,7312,7314,7340,7353,7383,7384,7385,7386
Nearby County Line Primitive Baptist Church: 7389,7390,7391
County Line Primitive Baptist Church sign: 7387,7388,7384
BALL, Cephas, 1859 - 1888. (shares stone with Jane White Ball.)
BALL, Jane White, 1861 - 1922. "Wife of Cephas Ball.". (shares
stone with Cephas Ball.) 7381,7382,7379
BALL, Charlie Onesimus, 18 Feb 1869 - 5 Feb 1881. "Son of J. L. & M.
A. Ball." 7303
BALL, James Bunyan, 22 Sep 1872 - 30 Aug 1873. "Son of J. L. & M. A.
Ball."; Missing headstone;
Footstone: "J. B. B." (James Bunyan Ball?) 7302,7307
BREWER, Cornelia V. (Maxey), 9 Oct 1853 - 17 Feb 1881. "Wife of J. S.
Brewer.", "She has fought a good fight, She has finished her course She
has kept the faith Henceforth there is laid up for her a crown of righteousness."
(d/o Thomas H. and Narcissa Yarbrough Maxey; As determined, using the Federal
Census and records and a guardianship court record, by Trish Brewer Boone 4 Nov
2010.) 7064,7324
BYRD, V. A., 4 Jul 1844 - 12 Jul 1921. Masonic Emblem. (several fieldstone
marked graves, stone tumbled and 2 large base sections nearby. One of them is the
base for this monument, no names, and a fieldstone with "N.
B." and one with "H. D. B." on either side of V.A. Byrd. no photo
of ts. [in notes].) 7349,7350
COUNCE, Martha (Shackelford), July 1818 - 31 Jan 1898. "Wife of William Counce."
(mar. to William Counce on 13 Oct 1837 in Lawrence Co., they had 5 children. Ref:
Wayne Goates Findagrave.) 7305,7306
COUNCE, William ("Col"), 28 Nov 1813 - 9 Jan 1890. (s/o William
Counts and Sarah Freeman. Ref: Wayne Goates Findagrave.) 7304
FAULKNER, Rachel, 1850 - 1928. Footstone: "Mother". (shares stone
with William Faulkner.) 7345,7347,7348
FAULKNER, William, 1843 - 1924. Footstone: "Father." (shares stone
with Rachel Faulkner.) 7345,7346,7348
GARRETT, Elly, 10 Nov 1815 - 14 Apr 1895. "Wife of H. H. Garrett",
"A loved one has gone from our circle In earth we will meet her no more She
has gone to a home in heaven And all her aflictions are o'er." (note:
several fieldstone marked graves next to this ts.) 7288,7289,7290,7291
GARRETT, H., 6 Jan 1826 - 26 Jun 1896. (shares stone with "His
Wife" J. A. Garrett.) 7285,7286
GARRETT, Henry H., 5 May 1817 - 6 Apr 1900. "Husband of N. A.
Garrett", "Since thou can'st not linger Stay to cheer me with thy
Love, I hope to meet with Thee again in yon bright world above."
GARRETT, Henry H., 7 Jul 1867 - 4 Apr 1900. "Father". (shares stone with Lou C.
Garrett.) 7284, 7283
GARRETT, J. A., 25 Mar 1843 - 14 Apr 1904. "His Wife". (shares
stone with H. Garrett.) 7285,7286
GARRETT, Lou C., 2 Jan 1865 - 17 Dec 1950. (shares stone with Henry H.
Garrett.) 7284
GARRETT, Marion Elizabeth, 1 Sep 1907 - 10 Jan 1911. "Dau. of C. M.
& V. C. Garrett." 7374,7375,7376
GAIRRETT, Nany, 23 Nov 1847 - 22 Jul 1904. "Her spirit smiles from thy
bright shore and softly whispers weep no more." 7292
HICKMAN, Lou, 11 Aug 1878 - 10 Aug 1905. "Wife of W. M. Hickman.",
"A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is
vacant in our home, Which never can be filled." 7366,7367,7368
HICKMAN, William M., 24 Jan 1872 - 25 Nov 1925. "Peace, Perfect
Peace." 7369,7370
JOHNSON, Eld. J. M., 6 Sep 1867 - 1 May 1908. "Here lies a sinner, saved
by grace." 7371
JOHNSON, Mrs. M. A., 23 Oct 1847 - 12 Jun 1908. "Blessed are the ....
which die in the Lord That they may rest ....." 7372
JOHNSON, R. E., 28 Mar 1874 - 28 Jun 1908. "Asleep in Jesus blessed
sleep for which none ever wake to weep." 7373
MAXEY, Jane S. Higdon cir 1809 - 31 Jul 1852, (d. Weakley Creek,
Giles County TN, age 43, Pulmonary Consumption, 1st w/o Isaiah Thomas Maxey.
member Primitive Baptist Church, Unmarked grave; believed to be the d/o John
Larkin Higdon.) Biography
MAXEY, Narcissa Yarbrough, (birth date about 1838 died
about 1854, 1st wife of Thomas H. Maxey, married 1852. thought to be buried
here-unmarked grave. Preceded her mother Mary Yarbrough in death 22 Aug 1857.
d/o of Ambrose & Mary Yarbrough of this community)
MAY, Leslie Sherman, 29 Oct 1909 - 22 May 1910. "Son of A. B. & R.
E. May." (note: 14 fieldstone marked graves next to this ts.) 7297,7298
MYERS, Elmer C., 1 Feb 1897 - 12 Aug 1927. (Father). 7378
NEELY, William Wallace, 16 Feb 1874 - 1 Feb 1889. (small marker
probably covered in leaves) no photo
PAGE, M. J., 30 Jun 1846 - 25 Jan 1922. "She was the sunshine of our
home. "Resting in hope of a glorious resurrection." (share stone
with Martin Page. note: several fieldstone marked graves next to this ts.) 7317,7318
PAGE, Martin, 16 Oct 1850 - no date. "He is not dead but sleepeth."
(shares stone with M. J. Page.) 7317,7318
TOUNGETT, O. (Oliver) P.(Perry),
Sep 1856 - 18 Jun 1898. "Father." ( s/o Oliver Perry Tungett & Martha Reed
Tungett, mar. 8 Nov 1883 in Lawrence Co. Tn. to Harrit Tennessee Cross Toungett;
note: several unmarked graves on either side of this ts.) 7315
VANDIVER, J. M., 24 May 1845 - 8 Sep 1908. "Weep not he is at
rest." 7355,7356
VANDIVER, Mary C., 28 Jul 1841 - 1 July 1901. "Wife of J. M. Vandiver.",
"A companion sweet, A mother dear, A faithful friend lies buried
here." 7357
YARBROUGH, Ambrose, 1796 - 23 Jul 1864. "He has fought a good
fight. He
has finished the course He has kept the faith Hence forth there is laid up for
him a crown of righteousness." 7319,7320
YARBROUGH, Ambrose, 1866 - 19 Jun 1948. "Father" (shares stone with
Annie B. Ambrose; might it be this stone
7332 .) no photo
YARBROUGH, Annie B., 1871 - 4 Dec 1956. "Mother" (shares stone with
Ambrose Yarbrough; might it be this stone
7332 .) no photo
YARBROUGH, Carl, 20 Jul 1892 - 5 Jan 1918. "Carl", "He left
sweet memories in the hearts of men." (shares stone with Clarence
Yarbrough, photo mid center of ts.) 7333,7334,7336,7339
YARBROUGH, Clarence, 23 Dec 1889 - 20 Apr 1918. "Clarence",
"Died for love of home and loved ones." (shares stone with Carl
Yarbrough; photo mid center of ts.) 7333,7334,7335,7339
YARBROUGH, Elizabeth J., d. 12 May 1900. "Wife of N. G. Yarbrough",
"Aged 76y, 3m, 3 dys.", "Gone but not forgotten." 7328
YARBROUGH, Mary, Sep 1800 - 22 Aug 1857. (wife of Ambrose
Yarbrough, b. 1796.) 7321
YARBROUGH, Nathan G., 9 Jul 1826 - 21 Nov 1908. "Dear father, grand
father and brother too art gone fond memory clings to thee." 7329,7330
YARBROUGH, Penelope, 16 Mar 1841 - 24 Feb 1914. "To live in hearts we
....behind is not to die." 7325
YARBROUGH, S. L., 14 Nov 1847 - 14 Nov 1909. "Tho lost to sight to
memory dear." (note: there is an anchor on his ts which is a symbol for Hope
for eternal life. Often on sailors' graves. Anchors are also a Masonic symbol for
well-grounded hope, therefore they are often found on Masons' graves. mb) 7322,7323
YARBROUGH, Little Solon, 5 Dec 1904 - 28 Jan 1905. "Our Darling",
"Baby". 7337,7338
YARBROUGH, W. F., 15 Mar 1857 - 17 Nov 1888. "Since thou can'st no
longer. . . ." 7326,7327
. . . . . . . . ., Annie P. W., 8 Aug 1901 - 4 Nov 1902. (inscription
scratched on a smoothed fieldstone; Hickman &
Johnson graves nearby) 7362,7363,7364
. . . . . . . . ., Gordie, 1 Oct 1890 - Dec 1902. (inscription
scratched on a smoothed fieldstone; Hickman & Johnson graves nearby) 7365
* One modern Granite marker fallen face down with the inscription on the underside
- below about 500 lbs of stone. This is next to the Yarbrough monuments. (Could
this be the lost stone of Ambrose (1866-1948) & Annie B. (1871-1956) Yarbrough).
Evidence suggest that.
Fieldstone marked graves - and views from up the slope and across the fence from
the cemetery. 7310,7311,7313,7309,7312,7314
Unknown souls. Fieldstone marked graves - standing stone on the long end -
buried half way into the ground - facing east: 7293,7294,7295,7296,7308,7316,7331,7341,7342,7343,7344,7351,7352,7354,7358,7359,7360,7361,7377,7380
Visited & photographed 22 Nov 2010 by Wayne Austin. Updating & Editing of listing by Mary Bob McClain
Richardson 10 Feb 2011. Added to this site 21 Mar 2011 by Wayne Austin.