This map shows the GPS coordinates of the Whitaker-Moores Cemetery as N 35.14795 X W -86.73118. Do not use the Google GPS for this cemetery or the USGS. Those will cause a 300 yard error to the northwest.

From Fayetteville go west on Hwy 64 to Old Elkton Pike aka Hwy 273 and turn south (left). Follow that for about 8+ miles to the junction of Cunningham Hollow Rd (on your right) and Hwy 273. The cemetery is across the junction on the south side (your left) side of the road upon a hilltop in the woodland. There is a mostly cleared field on that side of the road that follows along the fence row next to the woods. With permission go into the thicket and start up the slope and cross the fence and into the mostly open field. Continue climbing the hill following the fence row and when you reach the top of the hill start down the back side. When you see a small pond on your left that is usually dry turn right (south) and cross the fence (without damaging it) and go into the woods. The cemetery should be into the woods about 40 yards from the fence row. The distance to the cemetery from the Hwy is about 300 yards or something less than 2 tenths of a mile.

Mapping from ACME Maps, MS Streets & Trips, mapping sites. Modified and added here 14 Jun 2015 by C. Wayne Austin.