The Bettie Orr memorial showing the headstone (upper part of the photo) smashed and parts scattered around the cemetery by vandals. We can see the footstone with the top just barely above the ground near the bottom of the photo. 

The Footstone for Bettie Orr. As you can see the inscribed initials had to be uncovered from the earth.

ORR. Bettie, 10 Nov 1855 - 1 Aug 1880. 
Footstone is mostly all that remains. Folks this is the work of a vandal. A tree falling on a stone will not cause random scattering and missing pieces that I found here. I can only make out "Bettie" "Born N _ _  10, 1_ _ _, DIED _ _ _ 1, 188_." There is a fragment with the Mason symbol that is probably part of another missing & broken memorial. I left this collection near the Vincent memorials. There were stone fragments found all over this cemetery, but many of them were eroded and unreadable. 
Photo and information by Wayne Austin, 17 Apr 2008.